Guide to Data Visualization

Tag: CTO Advice Exclusive

Guide to Data Visualization

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Insight from business intelligence programs can be difficult to digest in numerical form. Visual representations ease the comprehension of information and encourage human derived insight. The primary distinction between data visualization software and a full-blown business intelligence (BI) solution is the quality of the visualizations one can produce. Some BI solutions, though excellent… Read more »

Guide to Data Warehousing

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Implementing a data warehouse is a strong step toward managing data on an enterprise level, either for management purposes or business intelligence efforts. Some believe that popular Hadoop cluster systems will supersede data warehouses altogether, but, as elaborated on in the Hadoop Integration section of this guide, Hadoop’s applications are distinct from, and… Read more »

Guide to Employee Engagement

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY If you think of gamification as “the application of game elements in non-game contexts,” then employee engagement gamification is the application of game elements to different aspects of the employee relationship. Employee engagement can mean a number of different things for different organizations. For some, it might mean increasing sales, while for others… Read more »

Guide to Gamified Employee Training Software

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Employee training programs are a necessity for specialized industries. Finance companies, manufacturing plants, and education are just a few of the areas where formal, on-the-job training and continued education are required. However, employees are often less than enthusiastic about these sessions. Continued education or leadership training suffers from even lower engagement rates than… Read more »

Build Your Team: Tips for Hiring Foreign Workers

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As the demand grows for ubiquitous, around-the-clock IT talent, hiring beyond restricted geographic areas has become an attractive option for many tech companies. Roughly 55 percent of CIOs now use remote-workers, according to recent data. Expanding job searches overseas can provide access to a higher volume of skilled labor at lower overhead and… Read more »